
Long time ago there was a couple whose 7 boys, they spend most of their time at field, one day their flase was attacked by draught. Is a result an their harvest was die and their foud supply has deficit. So they decided to throw one of his soon to the jungle.the farmer belive that it can stopped the draught.
Istri : my honey iam confused about how to take them.
Suami : just invinting him to the jungle which for away from house, then , we prented to be thirsty and look for it
Istri : ok
Un fortunately the discussion wa heared by the tird boy, dupa.
Suami : hai son, lets we look for a jungle which has many trees so, we4 can get a lot of firewoud
Children : yes dad !!!!!

After walking for miles away, they arrived in the jungle where has many trees and firewoods
First boy : lets we take a lot if firewood here as quickly as possible, my youinger brother
All son : yes, brother
Istri dan suami : my son I will go to the river for taking some water to drink, a will right back of soon as possible
Second son : why they take some water for a long time
First son : lets go there
Third son : it has been useless, last night I heared them to leave us here
Fourt son : why you didn’t tell it to us
Third son : iam affraid of them
Finaly the 7 sons cancelled their opinion in searching their parents, they deaded to look for safety place to stay in the jungle, next morning.
Fifth son : what we should do now ?
Sixth son : I don’t have a place to go !!!!!!
Fourth son : look !!!!!!!! there is a smoke there must be village
First son : lets go there
Finaly, they arrived afther walking a few miles away.
Third son : take look that house it is so big
Six son : how if it is place for monster
First son : don’t kiddig, lest go inside
First son : my younger I hope you apologize our parents for this case
All sons : yes brother
Then they go to the somewhere place by boarding a big boat
Second son : brother, where do you we go ?
First son : we will go to the country where we were still a babby
Second son : no
Six son : I still remember it
Sixth son : but, how if we will not find it ?
Sixth son : don’t give up, we have tried it yet
Then, they go to the god islands they meet whit their parents suprisingly
Fifth son : knock……knock
Istri : who are you
Second son : we are your children who have ever discarded by you during in the jungle
Istri : it was you, pad come to me, here one our children
Suami : oh my god, for give my mistake during in the jungle
All son : never mind, why apologize you
Suprisingly, they discous a lot of treasure they are happy
They like happy forever.